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Hand in hand for eternity

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I Feel Achieved

When I started blogging in howaboutthis I never knew I would one day write to share my achievement here. No don't get me wrong! I haven't gone to the moon yet; or even to Genova for that matter! But a couple of years ago, for no credit of mine, I met Sulekha Rawat online and somewhere during our chats we suddenly devised Social Potpourri. As one of its features, we thought, it would be way cool to have a meetups section where like minded members could meet offline to share things they were interested in or curious about. Its been a year since Social Potpourri was formed. We managed some amazing meets during this time. It was not easy at first; still is not to get people to understand where we are headed. 
However, on 28th of July Meenu Mehrotra, called to discuss an idea of a meet she had in mind. We called it "Construction of a Writers' Mind". 
The morning of the meet welcomed Delhi in drizzles which turned into raging pellets of rain. The majority of the Delhi population heaved a sigh of relief but Social Potpourri was not too happy. We waited an extra 20 minutes for participants to arrive and then started off without some who had registered for the meet. 
Engrossed in what Vikrant Dutta was saying about his decisions in life and how he came to be a writer I had forgotten about my worries for less participants. I turned around to ask for a cup of tea and was amazed to see what I saw. 
The room was full and the meet was just the warmest close knit meet I have ever attended. Even that is not the achievement I am talking about though. The achievement my dear friends is that me, the most technology challenged person in the planet, managed to make a "movie" of the meet! Its not the best but I did manage to bring it together - I feel really achieved. Do check it out and let me know what you think please. 


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lover's Cove Challenge - part III

Andy David initiated a brilliant poetry link up session called Lovers' Cove. And here I am trying to participate in the third round of fun and literature all of which can be read at http://apd-loverscove.blogspot.in/2012/07/lovers-cove-challenge-3-07262012.html. Here's my 15 word contribution that will ultimately meet with the sea of brilliance over at Andy's blog. 

"I drink your hues, merge into me, be born with me in a new color"

I hope that does justice
